How I Can Help You Build a Stronger, Leaner Body

I’m Anthony Nehra, personal trainer, nutrition coach and fitness writer. I created this site to bring you the unbiased, no-BS info you need to get the body you want.
Who doesn’t want a stronger, leaner, hotter body? But like most people, you’re probably drowning in fitness information. And that program you copied from an Instagram fitness model isn’t working for you.
I help people lose fat, build lean muscle and transform their bodies, so you can quit the guesswork and get the body you want.
If you want customized workouts and a made-for-you nutrition plan, check out my Fitness & Nutrition Coaching program. Stop piecing together different plans from websites and magazines, and get on the fast track to your best body ever.
My Story
I was a fat kid.
No sports. Lots of television. I used to ride my bike around town, but it was usually followed up with a candy bar.
One time I called to order a pizza after school. When I gave my address, the woman on the other end said, “I thought I recognized your voice.”
That’s a fat kid.
Around the end of high school, I almost graduated from a 36-inch waist to a 38. But the thought of jelly rolling into 38-inch (probably pleated) pants every day was too much. It was time to take action. So I put down the Big Mac(s) and got my fat ass to a gym.
I had no clue what I was doing. My workouts were always 2+ hours. I did a ton of cardio. I did the NYC triathlon.
I thought that if I run and swim (and run and swim) I’d finally get the ripped physique I was so desperate for.
It didn’t work.
I started lifting more and played around with different diets. Tried a bunch of workout plans from books and the internet. Gave up booze for a while. But nothing seemed to do the trick. I was going in circles — high reps, low reps, HIIT, more protein, carb cycling — always ending up in the same place.
In my mind, I had “tried everything.” But my “shitty genetics” were stacked against me. And I’d always have skinny arms and a leftover fat boy paunch.
I got tired of trying to figure it out by myself. I had wasted so much time and mental energy on fitness and meal plans, only to get lackluster results. It was time to get help.
So I got coaching. I learned from the smartest trainers I could find. I talked to meatheads and strength scientists, put my ego aside and did the work. There was no more, “yeah but I’m an ectomorph so….” I listened to people smarter than me, and I did the f*ing work.
It took some coaching to realize that I had huge blind spots. My training plans were full of holes and my diet was all wrong for my physique goals.
But I learned what works. I learned to be patient and consistent. I stopped going after the next shiny object and learned how to get after my my goals the right way.
A few things I’ve picked up along the way:
- The basics work. Stop trying to figure out the next trick. Get strong at basic weightlifting moves, and practice them relentlessly.
- Be consistent. Seriously, don’t f*k this one up. It’s the key to progress.
- Lift heavy shit. Chasing strength will get you the body you want. Your body and mind are stronger than you realize.
- Eat what you like to eat. You don't have to cut out your favorite foods to get the body you want. But every meal is not a pleasure cruise either. Moderate and enjoy.
- It's okay to break the rules…occasionally. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout and eat 3 doughnuts. Get back on the horse and keep going. Guilt is a bullshit emotion that will get you nowhere.
I’m passionate about helping you reach your goals. Please check out my coaching program to see how I can help you get the body you want.
Thanks for reading.