Tracking your entire food intake is a daunting task. But a seemingly endless supply of apps and websites promise to make it easier.
I tried a handful of them to figure out the best and worst. Here are my favorites (and almost-favorites).
Fat Loss & Muscle Building Programs, Online Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching
By Anthony Nehra
Tracking your entire food intake is a daunting task. But a seemingly endless supply of apps and websites promise to make it easier.
I tried a handful of them to figure out the best and worst. Here are my favorites (and almost-favorites).
By Anthony Nehra
It’s the holy grail of fitness. But very few people can easily do it.
How do people lift weights, eat big, gain size and get ripped all at the same time?
By Anthony Nehra
IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is the practice of tracking your daily intake of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat). You can basically eat what you want, as long as it fits within your assigned macros for the day.
Clean eating is, well….it depends who you ask. Are chicken breasts clean? Probably. Are French fries clean? Probably not.
Find out which eating plan will get you leaner faster, and which is easier to follow for the long haul.